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I am Shirley_


and I aspire to become a catalyst in the field of experiential design_

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>> my story <<

At age 13 I discovered the world of dolls. I wasn’t a fan of playing with them as much as creating their environments.


At age 16 I decided Interior Design seemed the right choice for a career. I loved every minute of it in college.

At age 23 I discovered real-world Interior Design was more functional and less creative. I soon started missing the challenges of concepting and creating unique experiences. 


At age 25 I discovered the world of Experiential Design. The art and science of shaping moments. Making people feel a certain way about something. Creating stories.


It all became perfect.

For me, great design is a mixture of memorable visuals, emotional connections, and functionality. I believe that by creating lasting impressions and experiences we can create a better world to play, live, work, and heal in.

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